January 29, 2021
Bodycam Shows Lying, Conspiring & Tampering With Evidence in Brittany Chrishawn Williams Case
Article by:
NBG Admin

Brittany Chrishawn (Williams), the award-winning police brutality filmmaker who was brutalized by police and left with broken teeth and permanent nerve damage, has finally received bodycam footage after a 7-month long wait (Watch the footage here). This footage exposes the lies of the officers, and parts of the body cam footage released by prosecutor Richard James Giglio have been edited to protect the police. There are random sections in some of the videos where the audio has been removed, and these sections happen to be at the exact moments that Brittany Chrishawn Williams had already described in her affidavit of facts. She wrote in her affidavit back in May 2020 that she heard JSO police officers plotting to conspire against her and joking about being able to get away with illegal acts. This is a major issue that must be brought to light because police officers should not be able to edit body camera footage to protect themselves and convict innocent people.
It is unlawful and inhumane for Brittany to be facing up to ten years in prison for fictitious felony charges that have been wrongfully conspired against her. And it is unethical and unjust for the justice system of the United States to allow tampering of police bodycam footage. Brittany’s case sheds light on the countless number of other police brutality victims who are suffering because of corrupt evidence.
But regardless of the edited body camera footage, the police misconduct that did make the final cut is crystal clear. The footage shows Officer A. Carmona #64386, who trespassed on Brittany’s property and initiated the incident, lying about stand-still traffic being the reason for him trespassing. All of the footage available clearly shows that there was absolutely no traffic at all. And Carmona admits to leaving the public lot of the corner store to back into Brittany’s driveway. There’s a clip from the officer’s body camera where his supervisor (D.P. Jadlocki #63949) keeps asking why he parked in Brittany’s private driveway because there is a variety of other open lots on that street. There’s even the large vacant public lot that the police officers usually park in which is only feet away from Brittany’s driveway. All of these public lots are located within the same block. There’s also a gas station right across the street from Brittany’s house where Carmona could have parked as well. The supervisor goes on to accuse A. Carmona of having a sexual relationship with his victim because that is the only logical conclusion the 15-year veteran could determine based on the invalidity of his subordinate’s story.
The bodycam footage also shows that officer C. Padgett #74181 breaks Brittany’s teeth by slamming her face into the floor of her home after entering without a warrant; you can see particles of Brittany’s teeth on the floor after his attack. Soon after, officer Padgett slams Brittany’s face again into the bars of his police car causing even further damage. Yet, he tells the supervisor that Brittany ran into the door of her home breaking her own teeth. In addition to this, Padgett claims he was kicked by Brittany; however, his body cam catches an eye-witness across the street saying “She didn’t kick you.” Padgett then dismisses the witness with intimidation.
There’s even a clip where the supervisor, D.P. Jadlocki, tries to help officer A. Carmona #64386 conspire against Brittany. Carmona claims Brittany Chrishawn Williams came outside and allegedly started yelling and throwing a plastic spoon that he claims hit him in the forearm while seated in his vehicle. But his own police report backs up Brittany’s version of the story which says she approached his car and politely asked if she could help him. There’s absolutely no evidence of Brittany throwing a spoon and hitting the officer. In the footage, you can see the supervisor coaching Carmona on how to deceptively write his police report. If Brittany immediately came out acting belligerent as Carmona says, why did he not turn on his body camera to show this? Why does he later say on camera to Brittany’s sister and in his report that Brittany initially walked up to ask if she could help him? And why does Brittany’s footage show him collecting the spoon from outside of his vehicle when he claims the spoon hit him on the inside of the vehicle?
Eye-witness, Ausar Moore, also explains in the bodycam footage that Carmona was actually the one who started yelling at Brittany after she went outside to ask if she could help him. “I heard him yelling at her from inside the house…” he explains to officer C. Padgett who responds with “yeah, well he naturally has a loud voice.” But when Brittany began to question the officers to defend herself, Padgett told her she needed to be quiet and stop yelling. He then enters her home and physically attacks her along with officer Tyler Landerville #68044. And in the police report, they describe Brittany’s voice as “LOUD”. This is clearly a double standard based on sex and race. Why is it that Carmona can be loud on Brittany’s property and yell so loudly that her husband heard him from inside of the house, but Brittany cannot loudly respond in defense of herself on her own property?
Another officer involved, M. Highsmith #79736, further threatened Brittany’s constitutional rights on camera. Highsmith asked if she wanted to explain what happened, and Brittany expressed to him that her mouth was hurting from the officers breaking her teeth. She told him that she didn’t want to talk. Highsmith then tried to intimidate her by saying “…ok, refusing to cooperate…” as if she didn’t have the right to refuse to talk to him.
The list of civil and human rights violations, police misconduct, and blatant lies these police officers partook in is outrageous and a detriment to society. They even went as far as entering and searching Brittany’s home without a warrant when she did nothing wrong and should have never even been arrested. Brittany is a college graduate, an award-winning filmmaker, and a property owner with no criminal record or history whatsoever. The police showed up in her driveway for no reason at all. She did what’s supposed to be the right thing by calling 911 for help, and the police she called for help battered her, arrested her, and violated her rights.
How many more innocent people are suffering from police misconduct? JSO police officers are making the United States of America look like the mascot for racism. Police officers who tamper with evidence should be punished to the highest extent. Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office should be held accountable for allowing police misconduct to continue to flourish. Too many innocent people have suffered at the hands of police misconduct and it must stop now.
Followers of this story believe this incident was deliberate and may be tied to the fact that Brittany Chrishawn (Williams-Moore) and her husband Ausar Tesfa Moore produced an award-winning film about police brutality called Illville. Illville is a dramatic satire that explores the psychology behind police brutality and how it negatively affects society. The day the soundtrack to Illville was released is ironically the same day that Brittany was brutalized by the police.